BookShark Virtual offers four Math options. Each highly respected curriculum encourages students to develop solid math reasoning skills and apply the skills to everyday life.

Created by a longtime teacher, Math-U-See is a hands-on, student-paced, mastery-based approach that focuses on developing a true understanding of mathematical concepts transferrable to real-world application. You’ll follow a 4-step approach to introduce, review, practice and master concepts. Since math is learned sequentially—independent of age or grade—the program teaches skills that build on previous principles as your child progresses. The multisensory “Build it – Write it – Say it” method of instruction lets children explore each new concept and helps you assess their understanding before continuing. Simple manipulatives help students visualize what they’re learning. The program is:
- Concept-driven: Children gain thorough understanding by learning how to solve math problems, why they’re solved in the prescribed manner, and when to apply the concept.
- Mastery-based: You’ll know when they’ve mastered a concept when they teach it back to you, indicating readiness to learn the next skill.
- Skills-based, multisensory approach: Math-U-See addresses the different ways we process information. As your children incorporate all senses in meaningful ways that aid retention, they’ll build essential cumulative skills.

Math-U-See is integrated into BookShark Virtual
All lessons, instructional videos, and digital manipulatives are accessible in BookShark Virtual. Assignments can be uploaded for assessment.


Instructional Videos

Digital Manipulatives

Singapore is extremely clear, highly logical and sequential, with a strong focus on mental math. Students get the appropriate amount of practice, without excessive repetition. Challenging word problems build thinking skills, and students apply math in a variety of situations. The program teaches geometry throughout.
Each year of Singapore Primary Math (K-6) includes two full-color textbooks and two blackand-white workbooks.
The programs also includes Home Instructor’s Guides for the Primary Math programs 2A-6B. (Due to simplicity, lower levels do not require a guide.) The guides bridge the gap between textbook and workbook.

Singapore schedules are available in BookShark Virtual
View schedules and upload assignments for teacher/parent review.

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Students using Saxon Math earn consistently high scores on standardized tests. The program is extremely strong in areas of arithmetic computation and mathematical principles (distributive, commutative, etc.).
Saxon is easy to teach, and from 4th grade up requires little parental involvement. It includes lots of guidance on exactly what to say and do. The early elementary programs include—and require—many manipulative activities. BookShark Virtual offers complete kits with the necessary items.
Saxon packages include everything you need to teach one child. To use the program with Saxon Math (Grades K-12) additional or successive students, purchase additional consumable tests and worksheets.

Saxon Math schedules are available in BookShark Virtual
View schedules and upload assignments for teacher/parent review.

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RightStart Math is a hands-on program that replaces counting with visualization and an early introduction to place value. The program utilizes their proprietary AL Abacus to provide both kinesthetic and visual learning. The two-sided Abacus helps students recognize quantities– eliminating traditional methods that utilize counting, memorizing, and drill.

Book Bundle

Manipulatives Set
RightStart Math schedules are available in BookShark Virtual

Recommended Schedule

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Maddie Suter
School Liaison & Support